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 Sujet du message : Rax de Michael G. Coney
Message Publié : 08/04/2008 17:24 
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Inscription : 25/01/2007 15:08
Message(s) : 1632
Localisation : Au coeur des choses

Nul n'y parvient qui n'a combattu dans les règles

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 Sujet du message : to sum up
Message Publié : 08/04/2008 18:03 
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Inscription : 25/01/2007 15:08
Message(s) : 1632
Localisation : Au coeur des choses
Rax is told from the POV of Drove, a teenaged boy on an alien planet. (It's not clear whether the planet has been colonized in a forgotten past by humans, or whether the humanlike characters are natives to the planet who just happen to appear very human.) The boy's father is a functionary in the Parliament of the country Erto, which is engaged in a long war with the country Asta. As the novel starts, they leave on their annual summer trip to the coastal town of Pallahaxi. Drove and his father have a dreadful relationship -- part of which seems simply adolescent rebellion on Drove's part, but part of which seems to result from his father's very real shortcomings.

At Pallahaxi Drove hopes to meet again the girl he met the previous summer, Brighteyes. But Brighteyes is an innkeeper's daughter -- too lower-class for Drove's father's taste. Still, they do meet again, and they begin a sweet love affair. Their friends include another son of a "Parl", a rather blustering boy named Wolff; and a pretty but somewhat vapid fisherman's daughter named Ribbon. The relationship of all four is strongly affected by tensions between the Pallahaxi villagers and the government. It seems that the government is building a new fishing cannery, so many more functionaries than usual are in town. Also, the villagers (led by Ribbon's father, Strongarm) are not enthusiastic supporters of the war, and they are suspicious of the government's motives in diverting supplies from Pallahaxi, and of their intentions for the weapons that are passing through town. All this is set against a backdrop of climatic change caused by the planet's unusual orbit about its Sun and the effect of the large nearby planet Rax.

The SFnal color in the background includes interesting creatures such as ice-demons and the telepathic (or at least empathic) lorin; the apparently highly mutagenic environment of this planet; the somewhat exaggerated fear the natives have of cold; and some curious weather such as the grume -- a decidedly odd ocean current that comes every summer. Much of this is fascinating but scientifically absurd -- though the astrophysical setup on which the novel's climax turns is probably the most absurd thing of all. Still, I didn't find this a drawback -- I was mostly reminded of Jack Vance in everything but the prose.

The novel comes to a rather unexpected climax, when the reason for the war and especially for the government's actions in Pallahaxi are revealed. They are quite surprising, and rather bitter in implication. Drove's sympathies of course lie with the villagers and Brighteyes, but his father forces him in another direction. The ending of the novel is deeply sad, but also somewhat ambiguous -- there is a hint of a possible sort of redemption for at least Drove. I liked it.

Nul n'y parvient qui n'a combattu dans les règles

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Message Publié : 08/04/2008 18:06 
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Inscription : 25/01/2007 15:08
Message(s) : 1632
Localisation : Au coeur des choses
Ben oui, c'est un Forum international ! :wink:

Nul n'y parvient qui n'a combattu dans les règles

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Message Publié : 09/04/2008 08:21 

Inscription : 20/11/2007 13:57
Message(s) : 1988
Ca m'a l'air interessant! 8)

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Message Publié : 09/04/2008 10:04 
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Inscription : 25/01/2007 15:08
Message(s) : 1632
Localisation : Au coeur des choses
In french un petit résumé :

Alika-Drove est un jeune habitant d'une planète qui, par bien des côtés, ressemble à la Terre. Avec cependant des différences : ainsi ses gobelins des glaces, son curieux lorin velu, son eau épaississante et ses marées fantastiques. Pour Alika-Drove, qui se prépare à des vacances au bord de la mer, ces étrangetés ne sont que la normale.
Mais ses vacances vont être tout autres que ce qu'il pense. Rax est à l'ascendant, Rax, le second soleil froid, est maléfique, l'équivalent de Satan et de l'Enfer. Et à mesure qu'approche son temps, presque tout prend un aspect faussé et sinistre... Jusqu'à ce que, pour Alika-Drove, il ne reste plus d'autre choix que la fin brutale de son innocence ou la fin de son monde pour toujours

Nul n'y parvient qui n'a combattu dans les règles

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